Anusha and Yuv

Our Story

Our Story

Yuv and Anusha were raised just 12 miles apart in Mumbai, India. But fate didn't bring them together until 2020, 10,000 miles away in Cincinnati, Ohio. On their first date over a cup of chai, Anusha talked 95% of the time, but the few words Yuvi got in were enough for them to know that there was something special to explore.

As they say...all roads lead to Cincinnati (?)! They came from backgrounds as similar as they were different, and found comfort in each other as what one had in scarce amounts , the other had in abundance. Yuv is quiet, thoughtful, and deliberate--balanced by Anusha's impulsiveness, chattiness, and dramatic flair. Yuv was a Chemist at the time, and Anusha was working in the eCommerce field. They found common interests in how much they loved Togi (debate is still on to see who she loves more), watching Indian street food YouTube videos, going on walks, and most importantly--realized that the most mundane tasks were made exciting when they had each other around.

As the months rolled on, they had the chance to meet each others' families and friends, and started to build a life together. It was official when they added each other to their family WhatsApp chats. They can't pinpoint when it happened, but one day it just clicked that this was it-they had found their life partners in each other.

Yuv proposed in New York City in September of 2022, and Anusha could see the stress leave his body as soon as keeping the engagement ring safe was no longer his problem! Anusha ugly-cried the entire proposal and it truly felt like it was meant to be. They are now both settled in Boston, where Yuv is pursuing a PhD and Anusha is working in Marketing-both chasing their dreams together.

We are so excited to celebrate our union together with our most loved friends and family members. Thank you for being a part of our journey, and we look forward to seeing you in Jaipur!